Touch&Tell customer satisfaction surveys
We understand how important it is to listen to customers and make small improvements to your business in order to stay on top. That’s what Touch&Tell, an effective customer survey provider, is for. We make customer surveys better and more fun.
Touch&Tell gives you the exact customer survey information that you need in order to optimise your offer, in a way that’s quick and cost-effective.
Our feedback terminals operate like touch screen kiosks, unmanned and operate 24 hours a day anywhere in the world. Everything is monitored and controlled remotely.
Reach customers you otherwise can’t reach
You don’t need the customer’s contact information to ask them feedback survey questions.
See changes over time
Are your customers happier today than they were yesterday? How do results change with the season, day of the week or hour? Utilize ® Net Promoter Score to get insights.
Compare different locations
Which of your locations are doing well and which need help? Compare anything from two locations to hundreds with our customer satisfaction surveys.
No manual intervention
Since the terminals are unmanned you can gather feedback continuously, even when you’re extra busy, using our kiosk survey terminal.
Collect contact information
Bygg din kunddatabas och följ upp efter besöket.
Motivate your team
Share daily results with your team and let them own the service quality. Use our Smiley face feedback buttons to make the feedback process fun and engaging!
We tailor our customer survey satisfaction service to your needs. So you get most out of Touch&Tell. And reach your goals.
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