Customer surveys

Get to know your customers and sharpen your offer. Collect feedback from customers automatically with Touch&Tell’s simple yet powerful feedback kiosk.

    Customers in many industries

    Touch&Tell används på många olika sätt inom många olika områden. Här är några av våra kunder och vad de säger om oss.


    Vårt samarbete med Touch&Tell har utmynnat i en diger bank av statistik som vi tar avstamp från i vår verksamhetsplanering och i vårt profilerings- och verksamhetsutvecklingsarbete.

    — Jaana Atosuo, Communications Manager, Västarvet

    Med hjälp av Touch&Tell kan vi tydligt påvisa förbättringar inom prioriterade områden. Vi är mycket nöjda.

    — Stefan Hummel, Deputy Regional Director, Bilia

    Vi är väldigt nöjda med det snabba och professionella stöd vi får från Touch&Tell, inte minst förslagen till utveckling.

    — Lena Holmberg, Innovation Advisor, Chalmers Innovation Office

    Easy to get started with touch screen kiosks

    We give you everything you need and help you through every step for your customer satisfaction.

    Step 1. Create your first customer survey together with us

    We help you come up with questions based on your goals and our experience. If you want, you can also log on to the web and create, change, or delete questions yourself.

    Touch&Tell has support for many different types of questions such as smiley face feedback buttons,  ® Net Promoter Score or CSAT. You can ask follow-up questions based on how people respond, and translate the survey into all languages.

    It’s very easy to change your survey if a question doesn’t provide the information you need. Edit questions via Touch&Tell on the web (or ask us to do it for you) and all your terminals are updated automatically within one minute.

    Step 2. We deliver your Touch&Tell feedback terminals

    Your smiley touch and feedback terminals are delivered wherever in the world you want.

    They arrive fully assembled with a 4G connection. All you need to do is plug them in and press the start button. We also send you a lock that you can use to protect the terminals. As an option, we’ll design and print a custom sign with your logo and personal message to the customer.

    You rent the terminals from us. Therefore, we take full responsibility for them and make sure they always work. There is no additional start-up cost and you can easily try the service without getting locked in to a long contract. Choose how many terminals you want and we’ll deliver, whether it’s one or hundreds.

    Step 3. Get your customer survey results

    Vi tycker att våra rapporter ska anpassa sig till dig, inte tvärtom, så vi tar fram ett rapportformat som är skräddarsytt till just din verksamhet. Du kan ta del av rapporten genom att logga in på webben, få en vecko- eller månadsrapport skickad till dig på mailen, eller lägga in den på ditt intranät. Du behöver inte installera något. Du kommer åt alla svar direkt via ditt inlogg på webben.

    Om du vill så kan du även exportera svaren till Excel eller koppla ihop systemet med dina andra affärssystem via vårt API. Du har alltid möjligheten att hämta ut datan och är aldrig fastlåst i vårt system.



    Friendly and personalized support for your customer surveys

    We help you get the most out of Touch&Tell by adapting to your needs. You can contact us for support with terminals and reports, or to discuss your customer surveys and results – whenever you want. We’re always easy to reach and want to make sure you reach your goals with Touch&Tell.


    Alltihop ingår i ett enkelt abonnemang utan extra startkostnad. Priset beror på antalet terminaler du behöver och hur länge du vill ha dem. Kontakta oss så berättar vi mer.


    Hör av dig, så diskuterar vi hur vi kan anpassa Touch&Tell till just din verksamhet.


    Simple yet powerful customer surveys

    Touch&Tell is designed to make it very easy for customers to provide feedback and just as easy for you to work with the results. Behind the simplicity lies a powerful system that allows us to tailor our customer survey service to your specific needs.


    Add, change and delete questions remotely

    It’s never too late to swap out a question or change your entire feedback survey. Changes are synced to all your feedback terminals within one minute.

    Many question types

    Smiley touch, multiple choice questions (that allow one or several choices), long free text, short free text,  ® Net Promoter Score, yes/no. Touch&Tell supports all types of customer survey questions you may need.

    Follow-up questions: The key to client satisfaction survey

    Do you want to pose a specific follow-up question to customers that say they’re unhappy? Do you want to ask different things of new customers and regulars? Control which questions appear based on what responses the customer survey gives.

    Several languages: global feedback kiosks

    Translate your customer satisfaction survey into any language and let the customers switch between them. We’ll help you if you don’t want to translate the questions yourself.

    Tailored reports: adapting to your customer satisfaction measure

    Reports should adapt to you, not vice versa. We design reports based on what customer survey questions you pose and how you want to work with the results. Get insights with  ® Net Promoter Score feature to analyze customer loyalty.

    We are looking forward to hearing from you!

    Send us a question via this form…

    Enter your contact information below and we’ll get back to you soon.


    … eller kontakta oss direkt

    Touch&Tell AB

    Stena Center
    Läraregatan 3
    411 33 Göteborg

    Stena Center
    412 92 Göteborg

    Leveransadress kontor (paket):
    Chalmers Tekniska Högskola Stena Center
    412 92 Göteborg

    Leveransadress lager: Touch&Tell AB c/o MTAB Sverige AB
    Von Utfallsgatan 21
    415 05 GÖTEBORG